Two different system using on wall and floor. Now 43 games for wall and 130 games for floor (keeping update). For wall usually for play see balls, for floor usally play on sand pit, slide, trampoline etc...
Projection game - Magic Brush
Projection game for Sand pit
Projection game for swing
Full video of project game on floor
Abhirat Agrawal Says:
Can you please share your catalogue with me. I am looking to open a kids play arenal. Would like to know more information about shipping and price.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for your message, please check catalog in email, please share details information of your inquiry.
Aditya Nanoti Says:
I WOULD LIKE TO OPEN AN INDOOR PLAYGROUND IN akola maharashtra India, PLEASE EMAIL ALL INFO about START Up, space requirements and all about. THANK YOU
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Aditya, Nice day, We have done projects in all size from 50-4000m2, So the space is up to you. we will get good design once your find a place.
Ankit Tomar Says:
Hi ,
Need the catalogue and the entire requirements.
Cost of shipping to India and installations etc.
Please let us know.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Ankit, Nice day, Please check our reply, Please follow the process and send us layout of your place soon.
Bikram Balmiki Says:
Hi I would like to open one space for children's play at my area ,wat is the cost going to be.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Bikram,
Thanks for your message, Please check our reply to your email, Hope can get infomtion of your play area soon.
Ahmad Sajad Karimi Says:
I would like to have more information. looking forward to open in Germany, please all costs.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Admad, Thanks for your message, Please check price list in your email, appreciate your reply.