One set including 20pcs of inductive light+IC card + 20pcs of inductive Bracelet+soft ware + date converter +computer+Small LED screw + wire etc. USD4600
Eextra 65inch LED Screen USD1400
Extra light is USD165per pc
Extra bracelet USD100 per 100pcs
Francisca Bustos Says:
Can I please get a catalog. Thank you!
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Dear Francisca:
Thanks for your message! Catalog have share by email, Please check and reply for move to next step.
Debra Davis Says:
Hello, Could you please send your catalog with pricing. Thank you.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Dear Debra Davis: Thanks for leave message online? Please check our reply by email, Looking forward our mutual benefit cooperation.
Allison Zogg Says:
Could I please get a catalog?
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for your message, Please check Catalog in your email.
Thibault Says:
Hi. Could you send me your catalog with pricing. Thanks
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Dear Thibault: Please share me the layout of your place by email, We have send your process and details message in email.
Zuany Says:
Hola ne mandas el catalogo y precios,
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Zuany: Indoor Playground is 100% customzied, wish can get your floor plan soon, We have send you catalog and process by email, please check.
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