One set including 20pcs of inductive light+IC card + 20pcs of inductive Bracelet+soft ware + date converter +computer+Small LED screw + wire etc. USD4600
Eextra 65inch LED Screen USD1400
Extra light is USD165per pc
Extra bracelet USD100 per 100pcs
Brad Says:
Please send me your catalog
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Already sent, Thanks.
Meliton Mendoza Says:
Can you please send me a catalog with all the information about delivery and prices
Thank you..
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Dear Meliton: Thanks for your message! Price and size as you can see from our website, share me layout for cusotmized one, please let me know where to shipping, then we can check the freight.
Marquinton Mcbride Says:
Looks great! Could you please send me a catalog of your products.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Marquinton Mcbride: Nice day! Please check the process of how to start indoor playground business in your email.
Luis Ramirez Says:
Hi, please send me a catalog with prices. Currently we are going to create a park and need your products. Thanks
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks, Please check our reply throught your email.
Linda Says:
Can I please get a catalog, with all the prices and estimated delivery times
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi linda: thanks for your message, process of how to order have sent to your email, please check.
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