One set including 20pcs of inductive light+IC card + 20pcs of inductive Bracelet+soft ware + date converter +computer+Small LED screw + wire etc. USD4600
Eextra 65inch LED Screen USD1400
Extra light is USD165per pc
Extra bracelet USD100 per 100pcs
Mateusz Says:
Hello I want to know the price for this set up including shipping and tax if is applicable ,thanks
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for leave message online, please let me know shipping to which port, please check our process by email.
amani Says:
I want to know if I can place a trampoline at a height of more than 3 meters? I'm watching the venue preparing the trampoline.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
For trampoline park, the height better be more than 450cm. Please recheck the location and get the exactly clean height.
ofa Says:
I would like to see a catalog with prices please
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Noted with Thanks, Will provide ASAP.
helen Says:
Hi!I am from Dubai,do you have real projects in my country?I would like to see the pictures or videos.Thanks.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi: Yes, we have project in Dubai and other 70 countries, will send you some project for reference.
Tatyana Says:
We have an area: length 29 m, height 10 m, width 8 m.What can you offer for us?
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Nice day!
Height 10m is perfect for kids indoor playground, we will make proposal for you soon, please share the details layout on email.
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