One set including 20pcs of inductive light+IC card + 20pcs of inductive Bracelet+soft ware + date converter +computer+Small LED screw + wire etc. USD4600
Eextra 65inch LED Screen USD1400
Extra light is USD165per pc
Extra bracelet USD100 per 100pcs
andree Says:
Hi suppler,
I'm interested in your product, I would like some more details,your product catalog so we will check and send you our order.
Please email me ,on my office email address .
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for your inquiry, Already reply by email!
Abra Says:
do you have 2nd hand play equipment for sale
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Everything we have is brand new.
Violeta bravo Says:
Hi, im from mexico, im interest in your product, do you Make works at mexico?
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for leave message online, Yes, we make project in Mexico.
Monica Says:
is this product sturdy, or does it move around or tilt when the child is inside?
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
The house does not move around. this is house with toys for kids to play role games.
Abdullah Karim Says:
Can you please inform me about the sizes of each part thanks.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for your message!
Please let me know the play area information you have. We will do customized design for you. The size of each parts is also customized. Will send you more information regarding this design.
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