HP-IS002B -USD2,100 (Game for basketball shooting, price not including trampoline itself))
HP-IS002C -USD500 (Darts game on trampoline)
Ersan Dogan Says:
Can i have catalog for start business
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Already sent, please check, thanks
Anurag Says:
Hello, I am interested in starting a kids play/gym business.area 60ft×60ft. Can you please send me a catalog and any info you may have for new entrepreneurs? Thank you
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Anurag, thanks for your message, we need the exactly layout with height information to make final proposal, but we can show you some ideal basic on this information first, pelase check our reply.
Luis F. Erazo Says:
Quiera cotizar un trampolín para niños un tamaño grande , me podrían dar información gracias
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Gracias por su mensaje, por favor revise nuestra respuesta a su correo electrónico, ¿también habla inglés?
Hachim Elhilmi Says:
please send me catalog, i want to start a businness.
thanks in advancve.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Hi Hachim, we are pleasure to make proposal for your commercial play area, please check process in your email.
Bs keerthi raj Says:
Hello good morning
Keerthi here pls share all equipment catalogue thank you.
Angel Playground Equipment CO.,LTD Says:
Thanks for your message, please check our reply to your email.